Dear Friends,
Many of us have walked by an adult sitting in the doorway of a building. Their obvious despair and tearful glance tell us part of their story. We dare look toward those folks’ eyes—so telling—then look away. Not because we don’t care; we do care! We look away after taking a breath because we don’t know what to say to ease the pain. Ours, and theirs.
What we don’t see, however, is even more disturbing. Children are attempting to survive, have food to eat, and go to school while living on the street. The childrens’ parents simply don’t have support in place to maintain suitable housing.
Homeless Children’s Network Serves Thousands of Homeless Children, Youth, and Parents.
Traumatized, overwhelmed families must hide from domestic batterers in shelters or live in cars, camp along dangerous urban corridors, or agree to unhealthy and unsafe demands just to have temporary housing from strangers. It’s grim.
Why don’t we see them on Market & 8th by the Civic Center, or on Van Ness, or in any other intersection that we see other adults most every day? It’s simple. To be seen as a mother with young children on the streets at night without a place to live in a large city would put you and your children even more at risk. Children must hide in order to stay alive!
Homeless Children Network’s Services Allow Homeless Children and Families to Come out of Hiding.
For every person we see on the street, there are at least 10 families with children we don’t see. Homeless Children Network will reach and support each child and parent. My vow as Executive Director...as long as one child remains homeless I will stay steadfast in the movement of their visibility and healing.
One Conversation Will Make a Positive Difference
Please give me an opportunity to have a conversation with you. We can explore how your skills, work experiences, social media connections, willingness to attend our public events, and/or financial resources can strengthen our community.
Imagine collaborating on behalf of homeless children and families
Imagine knowing that you help an agency that welcomes your talents and time
Imagine the smile of a homeless child who learns they have an advocate (you!)
I’ll take everything I’ve learned from my elders working in the community on behalf of children; take the decades of wisdom I’ve learned from the parents and children we serve; welcome conversations and relationships to support our mission; and offer impeccable clinical services, heartfelt interventions, and reliable support to traumatized homeless families.
Homeless Children’s Network Saves Lives.
I’m so proud of what HCN has achieved during the past year. It’s powerful to know that our thoughtfully crafted, and intentionally, lovingly set goals were met in the following areas, among others, during another year of service:
Programs to reduce depression and anxiety in children and youth - GOAL MET
Programs to reduce suicide ideation and thinking in youth - GOAL MET
Programs to increase housing and self-sufficiency for homeless families - GOAL MET
Programs to increase optimism and positive social-emotional skills - GOAL MET
Thank each and every one who has supported our organization in any way. I welcome and look forward to another year of well-being and strengthening for homeless families and the children whose lives brighten with each connection.
Respectfully submitted with a grateful heart,
Dr. April Silas